In the previous article, I finished preparing the BPMN model to run it on Camunda 8. There are two more things to address. We will create and deploy a worker for the Service Task Create Invoice to our …
My hobbies and myself
In the previous article, I finished preparing the BPMN model to run it on Camunda 8. There are two more things to address. We will create and deploy a worker for the Service Task Create Invoice to our …
We will convert everything we implemented with Camunda 7 to Camunda 8. Make it work and run in our cluster!
We continue where we left – Make Use Of My Local Camunda 8 Cluster.
A short recap from the previous article (Camunda 8 on k0s – the zero friction Kubernetes). I have a running Camunda 8 cluster on my local machine, and I’m able to access its components via Web UI. I …
The goal is to migrate the process automation project (see my previous article Docker, Kubernetes, and Co. – part II) to the new Camunda flagship – Camunda 8. I’ll skip k0s installation entirely; it’s already …
root@master-node:~# cat /etc/hosts localhost master-node slave-node1 slave-node2 slave-node3
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
root@master-node:~# cat
… In this article, I describe how to install and run Camunda BPM engine on Oracle Cloud. I created this post as I had some spare hours between two jobs in winter 2020, then sort of forgot about it and …